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C2C Certified® Circularity is a practical first-step tool that will help you embed circularity into your products and systems, while you work toward full C2C Certified® certification.

C2C Certified® Circularity is a derivative of the full C2C Certified® multi-attribute certification, focusing specifically on the Product Circularity category of the C2C Certified® Product Standard.

If you're looking to begin your C2C Certified® journey but aren't ready to meet the full standard requirements yet, this certification provides the perfect starting point. It allows you to document and gain recognition for your circularity efforts while serving as a practical stepping stone toward achieving full C2C Certified® certification, without the need to comply with the entire standard right away.

Why Choose C2C Certified® Circularity

C2C Certified® Circularity empowers you to:

  • Design for circularity
  • Enhance your positive impact
  • Verify your circular commitments
  • Stay ahead of regulations

All while paving the way toward your C2C Certified® multi-attribute certification.

Contact us to find out more


To receive C2C Certified® Circularity a product must meet, at minimum, the Bronze-level requirements of the Product Circularity category in the C2C Certified® Product Standard. Bronze-level requirements include:

  1. Assigning materials in the product to either the biological or technical cycle.

  2. Defining the cycling pathway for each material.

  3. Developing a plan to address barriers to material reuse and recovery.

  4. Incorporating recycled and/or renewable content.

  5. Ensuring that at least 50% of the product by weight is compatible with its designated cycling pathway.

Circularity Data Report

As part of your product certification, you will receive a Circularity Data Report, detailing your product achievements in each of the above requirements, across the three key pillar of the C2C Certified® Product Circularity category: circular sourcing, circular design, and implementing circular systems.

Listing on the C2C Certified® official product registry

Upon achieving the certification, your product will be listed on the live product registry on the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute, where all currently certified products are listed, providing public visibility and credibility to your product and organization.

Ready to take the next step?

Would you like to achieve C2C Certified® Circularity as a standalone certification, or as your gateway to a full Cradle to Cradle Certified® certification? Find out more about these options, start your circular journey today, and get in touch with us for an introduction meeting at