The C2C Certified Material Health Certificate™ is a step towards the multi-attribute C2C Certified® certification, which will help you understand your materials better and improve your products.
Curious about what's really inside your products? The C2C Certified® Material Health certificate gives you the chance to explore and understand the chemicals and materials used in your products. By gaining this insight, you can make informed decisions and take steps toward creating safer, healthier products for both people and the planet.
Prioritize Chemical Safety
As industries and consumers seek more transparency in product ingredients, ensuring the use of safe chemicals has become essential. The C2C Certified® Material Health certificate offers you a trusted and rigorous framework for verifying the chemicals and materials used in your products, emphasizing human health and environmental protection.
Why Choose C2C Certified® Material Health?
This certification empowers you to dig deeper into your product’s chemistry. It offers a clear framework for understanding material safety, so you can improve your designs and meet the rising demand for transparency in the marketplace.
You will be taking an important step in addressing consumer and industry concerns about harmful substances in products, providing you with the confidence that your materials meet strict safety standards.
Two Ways to Use the Material Health Certification
Standalone Material Health Certification
Use the C2C Certified® Material Health certificate as a starting point to learn more about your materials and make improvements, even if you're not ready for full Cradle to Cradle Certified® certification.
Additional Certification for your C2C Certified® product
Does your product already have a full Cradle to Cradle Certified® certification?
Then gain deeper insights into the chemicals you use and communicate this transparency to your customers, with a C2C Certified® Material Health certificate.
A Path to Continuous Improvement
The C2C Certified Material Health Certificate™ isn’t just about meeting a standard. It’s about an ongoing journey to make your products better. By understanding your materials, you’re equipped to innovate and create products that are safer for both people and the environment.
While it doesn’t replace full Cradle to Cradle Certified® product certification, it is a strong testament to your commitment to safe, sustainable product chemistry.
Listing on the C2C Certified® official product registry
Upon receiving the certificate, your product will be listed on the live product registry on the Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute, where all currently certified products are listed, providing public visibility and credibility to your product and organization.